Diary of Britney Spears: Pinpointing Signs of a Breakdown

If you’re on the older side of a millennial (forgive me for use of the term), you will undoubtedly remember when a show called Diary was on MTV. Documenting the lives of celebrities from a first person account told through a video diary, Britney Spears’ episode was extremely telling in terms of predicting her eventual breakdown in 2007.
Then boyfriend Justin Timberlake makes several cameos in the episode.
Then boyfriend Justin Timberlake makes several cameos in the episode.

The episode aired in 2001, and followed Spears during her preparations for the release of Britney and the post-production phase of what would later be deemed one of the worst movies ever made, Crossroads. At the time, Spears was dating Justin Timberlake, who came to visit her while she was doing the dubbing for the film. After he leaves the room, Spears is shown saying, “He liked it.” I think we all know that probably wasn’t true. In a somewhat bittersweet moment, Spears also notes, “I’d like to be with [Justin] forever.”

Showcasing her workout regimen, probably another cause of losing her mind.
Showcasing her workout regimen, probably another cause of losing her mind.

Another ominous sign of Spears’ waning sanity comes in the form of her referring to herself in the third person. For instance, at the beginning of the episode, she states, “I think I’m going through this transitional period in my life where I’m just really figuring out what Britney wants.” Britney is also eerily accurate in predicting Jamie Lynn Spears’ future, as she warns, “World better watch out when she comes, ’cause she is crazy.”

Britney with Jamie Lynn
Britney with Jamie Lynn

The irony doesn’t stop as Britney goes to Las Vegas and comments, “Too much of Vegas…like two or three days is good.” Little did she know, she would be signing on to do a two year residency at Planet Hollywood.

Behind the scenes prep
Behind the scenes prep

Choreographer Wade Robson also appears in the episode, and is incidentally the person most believe Britney cheated on Justin with. On Wade, Britney notes, “He’s a good friend. I love him.”

Britney at summer camp.
Britney at summer camp.

The episode concludes with Britney visiting what was once known as the Britney Spears Summer Camp for the Performing Arts. Later, it would be called Summer Stars, and eventually go on to enter a Pepsi competition in order to stay afloat financially. The symbolism of the essentially abandoned camp is appropriately indicative. For Britney also had to abandon her body in order to keep carrying on. Even if only in a detached capacity.

Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, burningbushwick.com, missingadick.com, airshipdaily.com and behindthehype.com. Feel free to e-mail culledculture@gmail.com.

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