Morrissey Lays It Down for Al Gore & Kevin Wall

Morrissey may be shy, but he’s never been shy about expressing his vehement beliefs through the written word. The latest case in point (a rather recent cause to bemoan considering he just railed against the Brit Awards) is his open letter to Al Gore and Kevin Wall (founder of Live Earth) regarding the serving of meat products at Live Earth 2015.
To paraphrase Moz, he stated:

Dear Gore-bachev and Wall Ball,

You are assholes if you decide to serve meat at Live Earth 2015. To serve meat at an event that claims to promote climate change is like selling prostitutes at a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting. Not to insult you, but you’re fucking retards if you don’t see that the number one cause of climate change is raising animals for food. Please don’t be hypocritical fucks by offering meat to the maws of people who are only there for the celebrities anyway.”



Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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