Prince Harry Probably Sees Dating Emma Watson As Being With A “Commoner”

If Queen Elizabeth II thought Princess Diana was an unsuitable match for her son, Prince Charles, one wonders what she must think of her grandson, Prince Harry, dating Harry Potter alum Emma Watson. After Harry’s stint being engaged to Cressida Bonas, another British actress/model/singer (yes, one of those), it seems he’s established a flavor for those non-princess type women who nonetheless qualify as celebrity royalty (Bonas is also the daughter of Lady Mary-Gaye Curzon, an aristocrat–yes, they still exist).
Cressida Bonas and Prince Harry
Cressida Bonas and Prince Harry

Although the relationship between Prince Harry and Watson is still fresh and largely based around hearsay at this point, it appears as though Harry’s preference for women of a more approachable nature (approachable by the standard of being around wealth and privilege one’s entire life and therefore seeing celebrity as a more plebeian sort of thing) probably stemmed, like all men’s preferences, from his mother.

Watson's already in with Prince William--now has merely the Queen to impress
Watson’s already in with Prince William–now has merely the Queen to impress

Whether or not the Emma/Harry tryst lasts longer than his previous dalliances is irrelevant. All that matters now is Emma Watson has plenty of method acting material to play Princess Diana in any future biopic.


Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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