The Sexual Connotations of Nicki Minaj’s Backside

Considering there has never been an ass as robust and controversial as Nicki Minaj’s in the history of hip hop or pop culture in general, it goes without saying that people get a little uncomfortable with her derrière. The reason for this uncomfortableness stems from the fact that an ass like that on a black woman is far more evocative and sexual than an ass like that on a white woman (which is few and far between unless you count Iggy Azalea, one of Minaj’s many rivals).

An ass the size of two
An ass the size of two
As Minaj recently pointed out after her cover art for “Anaconda” garnered all sorts of tongue-wagging and bun puns, the media deems it perfectly acceptable when a white woman appears scantily clad in the pages of magazine ads or on the cover of Sports Illustrated. And why is this okay? Because the archetypal white model’s body is decidedly sexless–because it is formless. There is no hourglass shape, no salacious silhouette. You might as well be staring at a boogie or surfboard.
What? My ass?
What? My ass?
As a revolutionary for the backside, Minaj proves that it is by far one of the most sexual aspects of the human body, barring of course, actual genitalia. As she continues her one-hip hop powerhouse crusade allowing for the open and welcoming acceptance of the black woman’s booty in mainstream society, there will undoubtedly be many more “scandalous” images and videos from this ass maven to endure.

Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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