Called simply Whitney, the trailer tells us that drugs, Bobby Brown and self-loathing will be heavily featured. But it appears as though very little emphasis is put on the talent Houston possessed–because Lifetime only gives a shit about the melodramatic aspects of people’s lives. Otherwise, they wouldn’t even bother making movies. Clearly, Ray this is not. However, it will provide many with the requisite amount of trash TV they need to watch for the entirety of 2015, as the movie premieres on January 17th. In the meantime, ask yourself why Elizabeth Taylor, Brittany Murphy, Aaliyah, and now, Whitney Houston, didn’t deserve proper Hollywood budgeted biopics about their lives. Is it just because they were cursed with the sort of melodramatic lives that Lifetime lusts after? Or because the network is following a specific pattern (old white woman, young white woman, young black woman, old black woman)?
[…] creation of “a series of TV movies” that will be inspired by her life and songs. And, with Lifetime not at the helm of these TV movies, there’s a chance they might actually be […]