Cate Blanchett’s Reaction to Interviewer’s Question Is A Larger Indication of the Gap Between the Famous & Non-Famous

There’s never been a shortage of irritable interview subjects in the world of entertainment (see: “Welcome to Bangkok.”). But something about the most recent example, Cate Blanchett attempting to promote Cinderella, feels particularly telling of the disparity between norms and celebrities.
Anger is her strong suit
Anger is her strong suit

What is that divergency–apart from the income? The fact that celebrities have no patience for bull shit as they’re extremely accustomed to having it filtered out for them thanks to their financial circumstances. From handlers to assistants, the world of “the star” is extremely sanitized. And so, when their composure is tried by frivolous questions like, “How were you able to get that cat to do what you wanted to on a leash?,” they can become your worst nightmare. In this instance, Blanchett pulled the classic verbal touché by answering a question with a question and saying, “That’s your fucking question?” While, granted, the interviewer proved that an education in TV journalism is unnecessary based on who they’re hiring, her reaction was telling of the frequent ingratitude of celebrity culture.

How difficult would it have been for Blanchett to, like most people with jobs, swallow her ire and simply respond? The man was even trying to make it relatable by saying he tried to put his girlfriend’s cat on a leash once, but it didn’t quite work out, hence his motive for inquiring. But alas, celebrity privilege rears its ugly head again.

Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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