Category: Commentary
Lennon & Columbus: How Venial Sins Vs. Mortal Sins Affect One’s Place in History
Every so often the birthday of John Lennon will fall on the same day as Columbus Day–or what many insist should unanimously be called Indigenous [Read More…]
My Loneliness Is Killing Me (No, Really)
Britney Spears’ “…Baby One More Time” might have been written off as “a little tween ditty” when it was first released–with Spears herself regarded as [Read More…]
Patrick Bateman’s Take on the Hospitalization of Phil Collins
I don’t know what prompted me to do it. Something about that old saying about killing your idols maybe. I just knew that the thought [Read More…]
Celebrities Suque, Or Smoking in the Met
It goes without saying that being a celebrity probably makes everything better. They can bitch all they want about the lack of privacy–and Kim K [Read More…]
Altamont versus Fyre Festival: Two Music History Catastrophes That Show How Flaccid the Millennial Generation Is
It’s easy to be a self-hating millennial. Shit, it’s easy to be a self-hating anything. That is, if you have any appropriate sense of shame. [Read More…]
Talking About A Woman I Admire on International Women’s Day: Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes
As most of us assemble here on the internet to honor International Women’s Day, it goes without saying that, quite frankly, there are too many [Read More…]
Starbucks Brings Its Taint to Italy
For a long time, Italy was a perfect, untouchable paradise. A beacon of how to do things right when it came to rejecting the presence [Read More…]
Like Taylor Swift, Lena Dunham’s Brand of Feminism Is All About Self-Promotion
While we might be a generation more jaded than any other that preceded us, it is incredible that so many are still unable to see [Read More…]
Sean Penn’s El Chapo Interview: An Exercise in Self-Aggrandizement on Both Sides
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if one encounters one of the most wanted men in the world and simply decides to interview him instead [Read More…]
We’re All on The Truman Show Now
At the time of its release in 1998, Peter Weir’s The Truman Show seemed like almost an impossible concept to fathom. After all, before the [Read More…]