Category: Literature
Michelle Obama’s Glitter Boots Put Melania Trump’s Continued Tone Deaf Fashion Sense Into Further Perspective
It isn’t just that glitter thigh-high boots by Balenciaga would be a bold statement by any woman. It’s that someone from such a stodgy of [Read More…]
Qualifications for the Fairy Tale Ending
With Meghan Markle’s complete metamorphosis into Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and the official photos of the wedding released to added meme-able fanfare, it gives one [Read More…]
Catherine Tramell: The Truman Capote of the Cinematic World
Has there ever been a more nefarious writer rendered to the screen than Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone) in Basic Instinct? It’s unlikely. There has, however, [Read More…]
Amazon Throws Salt in Wounds of Defunct Bookstores By Opening Up Brick and Mortar Location in Seattle
For too long, the world stood back and watched as Amazon’s online-only prices obliterated bookstore chain after bookstore chain, wiping out many publishers with them. Now, [Read More…]
Zelda Fitzgerald Finally Gets Some Recognition With Christina Ricci On Her Side
For the longest time, Zelda Fitzgerald lived in the shadows of her husband, with few people ever even aware that she wrote a novel of [Read More…]
Jackie Collins, The Queen of Trash, Departs
There is no author who better personified the trash novel of the 1970s and 1980s than Jackie Collins (Jacqueline Susann was the one who had [Read More…]
Identifying With Carrie’s Writing Failure in SATC 2
Although Sex and the City 2 was even worse than the first movie, and served largely as a tourism campaign for Abu Dhabi, there is [Read More…]
James Franco’s Obsession With Fetishizing Damaged Goods
In the wake of James Franco’s doucherific story, “Bungalow 89,” “loosely based” on his encounter with Lindsay Lohan at the Chateau Marmont, one would have [Read More…]
The Atlantic Publishing “Ken Cosgrove’s” Short Story Marks Another Sad Day for Writers
All the way back in the fifth episode, “5G,” of Mad Men, a young Kenneth Cosgrove (Aaron Staton) elicits jealousy from his co-workers Pete Campbell [Read More…]
On Authors Who Make Sequels to Their Classic Novels
With news of Harper Lee’s intention to release a sequel to the 1960 classic, To Kill A Mockingbird, it brings up the question of why [Read More…]