Category: Madonna
Madonna’s Letter About Sharon Stone/Whitney Houston Isn’t As Much About Them As A Contempt for Public Taste
Madonna herself has been called by the most damning of her critics such usual derisive adjectives as “derivative,” “hack” and, Morrissey’s favorite, “McDonna.” Yet what [Read More…]
The Rebel Heart Tour: A Conglomerate of Madonna’s Favorite Themes
When you’re held to a certain standard the way Madonna is, grandiosity is expected as the norm on any production she puts on. Her tours [Read More…]
Why Madonna’s Film Roles Are Redeeming From a Feminist Standpoint
Madonna is not known for being a great actress–or even being an actress at all. The most people will ever give to her is Desperately [Read More…]
The Madonna Kale Scandal
Madonna’s latest scandal: Calling kale gay. After a recent love affair with BuzzFeed, in which she publicized her Art for Freedom project, Madonna sat down [Read More…]
The Societal Implications of Madonna’s Armpit Hair
For any seasoned connoisseur of Madonna, her predilection for having armpit hair has been established since the mid-70s when she would show up at school [Read More…]