Category: Uncategorized
Latina Girl Power: Shakira & J. Lo Deliver a Tongue-in-Cheek Message at One of The U.S.’ Most “American” Institutions
Apart from apple pie and shittily made cars, America a.k.a. the United States is most clichely known for its zeal for football. Because a boy [Read More…]
Cardi B’s “Press”: An Offshoot of Offset’s “Clout”
Continuing to release the bread crumbs of singles that will result in her eventual second album, Cardi B’s latest, “Press,” is, for once, a declaration [Read More…]
Rabbits and Reanimation: The Strange Coalescing of the Sensual and the Divine on Easter
While Easter is considered, even still, by Christians and the last remaining Catholics, one of the most holy and hallowed religious celebrations of the year [Read More…]
Depardieu Your Anti-Hero
Not that it wasn’t already somewhat laden with just as much creep factor as Lolita to begin with, but to add further sullying to My [Read More…]
They Stoop to Pander: Idiocracy Continues with Oscars Doing Most Popular Movie
The Academy has made a few missteps in a new era defined by seeking to disseminate some of the overall “sameness” (that means whiteness) of [Read More…]
“Boschian Spectacle” Is Perhaps Too Kind a Phrase to Describe the Image of Donald Trump & Kim Kardashian Together
It’s taken a few days to digest a certain image that one thought surely must have been the manufactured creation of Syrian legend Saint Hoax. [Read More…]
Cardi B Calls Upon Her Dominican Roots More So Than Usual for “I Like It” Video
The primary source of all contempt for Cardi B, it would seem, does stem from this notion that she is playing a caricature (to borrow [Read More…]
How Jake Ryan Ruined My (And Every Other Heteronormative White Woman’s) Life
What amount of ink hasn’t been spilled over the oeuvre of John Hughes and his many-splendored universe of characters? There has also been no shortage [Read More…]
April 21, The Day Sex & The 80s Died
For so long, Prince was what defined the concept of sexual ooze against a backdrop that seemed to perpetually exude 80s-chic aestheticism. With his unexpected [Read More…]
The Cuntiest Disney Villains
While Disney has a somewhat sexist slant when it comes to portraying women (you’re either an angelic twit or a demonic bitch, kind of like [Read More…]