Courtney Love To Tour With Lana Del Rey, Much To Frances Bean’s Probable Chagrin

Back in June, when Lana Del Rey’s sophomore album, Ultraviolence, was just coming out, the arcane chanteuse told an interviewer for The Guardian, “I wish I was dead already.” The comment was in reference to her musical idols, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse. In the wake of this “wish,” Cobain’s daughter, Frances Bean, responded quite strongly with a series of Twitter posts (or tweets, if you will) railing against the glorification of early death in the music industry.
Love and LDR to tour together in 2015
Love and LDR to tour together in 2015
Bean, who has long been estranged from her mother and chose to live with her grandmother during Love’s custody battle, will undoubtedly find it a simultaneous slap in the face and yet no surprise at all that her mother would tour with someone who she feels is just a little too shticky with her melancholia.
So far, Love is slated to open for Del Rey at a handful of shows, including Dallas and Los Angeles, for the Endless Summer Tour in promotion of Ultraviolence. It’s hard to say whether or not the tour will morph into a trainwreck as a result, but the real question is: will Frances Bean attend a performance to see her mother perform onstage?
Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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