With the tongue-in-cheek title, I’ll Never Write My Memoirs, it’s only appropriate that Jones, in addition to rehashing her rise to fame starting as a model for Wilhelmina Modeling Agency, she would also feel inclined to mention that essentially everyone in the music game right now is forgettable, specifically the likes of Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Beyonce and Lady Gaga–basically all the people whose dick pop culture is riding on at the moment.

Jones astutely points out, “The problem with…the Nicki Minajes and Mileys is that they reach their goal very quickly. There is no long-term vision. They dress up as though they are challenging the status quo, but by now, wearing those clothes, pulling those faces, revealing those tattoos and breasts, singing to those fractured, spastic, melting beats—that is the status quo. You are not off the beaten track, pushing through the thorny undergrowth, finding treasure no one has come across before. You are in the middle of the road.” In short, she’s telling them all: get some fucking originality other than “sex appeal” and outright nudity. And she’s probably the only one who can pull of saying it–after all, who else has bared her soul and body more than Jones?