Is There Any Particular Reason Alexander Skarsgård Felt Compelled to Dress in Drag?

Maybe it’s pointless to discern celebrity motives at this juncture in the fame game. Is it all truly rooted in a cry for attention masked by a so-called cause? It seems that way based on Alexander Skarsgård’s recent appearance in drag at the Castro Theater for the premiere of the much talked about and anticipated The Diary of a Teenage Girl.
Working the red carpet
Working the red carpet

Although famed drag queen Peaches Christ appears in the film, and Cousin Wonderlette attended the premiere, the only so-called real motive for Skarsgård to have donned his 70s-era flamboyance was to impress the Castro district (in which most of the movie was filmed). And while, sure, it’s nice to, for lack of a better term, “do as the Romans do” when in Rome, there is something about the fashion choice that smacks of a cry for publicity.

In The Diary of a Teenage Girl
In The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Granted, it was nice and “in the spirit of things” for Skarsgård to partake in the drag show festivities that went on before and after the movie’s West Coast debut. However, there is, in truth, no genuine reason behind it other than the desire to be talked about. And it worked.



Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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