Lady Gaga Cops Yet Another Person’s Style

While Lady Gaga has ripped off everyone from Freddie Mercury to Madonna in her day, one person you would think she would no better than to tamper with is Yolandi Visser, the eye candy/master of style known for being one-third (don’t forget about DJ Hi-Tek) of South African hip hop group Die Antwoord. Her distinctive look–bleach blond hair with straight across bangs and an almost albino complexion with corresponding eyebrows–is hard to mistake.
Yolandi's unique aesthetic
Yolandi’s unique aesthetic

This is why one finds it difficult to believe there wasn’t a large amount of intent when Lady Gaga stepped out during Fashion Week looking like a more polished carbon copy of the highly irascible singer. Yolandi and her bandmate/father of her child, Ninja, immediately noticed the visual plagiarism and called her out for it on Instagram (the other hub for starting beef besides Twitter).

Ninja's caption for Lady Gaga's look
Ninja’s caption for Lady Gaga’s look

The uncanny resemblance is perhaps the final straw in Lady G’s ceaseless grafting of other artists’ aesthetics and, while we’re complaining, an inability to recognize a gay pride parade. Whatever her next album may be, let’s hope it doesn’t borrow from Die Antwoord, lest the narrative of “Fatty Boom Boom” should become a reality.

Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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