Lana Del Rey and The Frances Bean Problem

Frances Bean, the most obvious unofficial spokesperson for fallen rock and roll legends has spoken out against a recent interview Lana Del Rey gave for British news”paper”, The Guardian. In it, Del Rey mentions that most of her musical idols and inspirations are the ones who died young, Kurt Cobain naturally being on of them. She then went on to say, “I wish I was dead already.” Many readers and fans were shocked by the ease with which Del Rey made the statement, Frances Bean being the most famous person to make a comment on the matter so far.
Wishing for death
Wishing for death
But what’s really so wrong with Del Rey quote unquote romanticizing death? What’s not to romanticize? It’s a sweet release from the agony of living. And considering that this is a subject matter that Del Rey has addressed time and time again during her brief career (the most prime example being titling her debut album Born to Die), it should be no surprise to anyone how frankly she speaks on the topic in casual conversation.
Frances Bean addresses LDR's comments
Frances Bean addresses LDR’s comments
The issue with Bean telling Del Rey to “embrace life” instead of wasting it like the people she looks up to is that it’s intended to stifle Del Rey’s true emotions. Was it a cry for help or a dramatic way to grab some headlines? Who knows? Either way, it shouldn’t cause this level of controversy for a pop star to say what the majority of people are thinking most of the time anyway. Even if her moroseness is more than partially a shtick (and her response to The Guardian interview might lead one to believe so), at least it’s honest.
Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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