As no stranger to the world of fashion photography, Vincent Flouret’s eye for detail has come in quite handily for his new exhibition of photos, on display in Arles, France (Van Gogh territory) until August 15th (though why not just keep it going through the 16th, Madonna’s sixtieth birthday?). Right down to the fonts and subtle reworkings of symbols (like on the Ray of Light cover with three dog bones comprising the original emblem), Flouret has proven his worth as a photographer of the highest sendup caliber–as well as someone with Andrew Cunanan-level compulsions and preoccupations. From strategically tousled hair to replica costumes and expressions, Flouret has left no stone unturned in the exposure of his ardor for both his adopted canine, Max a.k.a. Maxdonna, and Madonna herself. And, to further prove just how devoted he is to taking a bow for the Queen of Pop, Flouret has also promised to donate all proceeds from prints of the photographs to Madonna’s beloved Raising Malawi foundation. He stated, as though sexualizing his dog is the most natural thing in the world, “I am a big fan of Madonna, these pictures I’m doing with Max are tributes to artists that I love and respect.” Not really seeing any other artists worth shaking a stick at (pardon the pun) that he’s done, but all right.

Flouret’s hyper-interested hang-up on dogs in general and Max specifically began about three years ago when he started taking photos of shelter-bound canines in Los Angeles. Volunteering at City Shelters, Flouret offered his services using his best talent: photography. By taking portraits of the dogs to help get them adopted, soon, obviously, all enthusiasm for couture went out the window after that…until he could at last apply it to his own dog in Gaultier form.
Now here we are with every gay news outlet practically gagging over a photographic panoply of flagrant neurotic fascination that’s all only fine because an adorable golden retriever makes eccentric behavior perfectly acceptable if not welcomed and encouraged.

Maybe all of our obsessions would be better presented if through the lens of a dog. Maybe our unhealthy fixations would be more palatable, like making choo choo train sounds when feeding a baby with a spoon to give them a weird conductor fetish later on. In effect, “Maxdonna” is a metaphor for how you can get away with just about any unhealthy amount of being “hung up” on something (or someone) a little too much when it’s styled as “cute.” Even so, Max et Vincent forever. On the other hand, if this were a straight man doing it to a JonBenet Ramsey sort of girl in age and aesthetic (because that’s kind of who Max looks like at times), it would be a completely different story.