Miley Cyrus’ Emoji Tattoos Make Me Feel Emotionless

The death of Hannah Montana has been rough on us all, continuing to manifest in Miley Cryus’ ceaseless quest to impress/show that she’s the closest thing white girls have to kawaii culture. The latest tattoo in Cyrus’ arsenal is enough to prove that she’s standing by the cause that is her carefully cultivated “wild child” persona. 
Proud pussy
Proud pussy

To complement her already existing tongue emoji tattoo, Cyrus has further added to her love of the app with a crying cat on the inside of her bottom lip (meouch! yes, I really just said that). It’s difficult to know what, if any, the symbolism of this is supposed to be. My guess would be the allusion to a wet pussy. But maybe that’s just my natural perversity chiming in. It doesn’t stop there either, there’s also a love, money and party hat emoji to match, referencing, what else, her own song, “Love Money Party.”

Love Money Party
Love Money Party

While I’m supposed to either feel 1) outrage or 2) marvel at how “badass” Miley is for making this life decision, I instead feel nothing. Miley has officially left me with a void inside where once I was stirred by the resonance of “Wrecking Ball.” 


Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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