My Ex Was Almost Killed by the Taliban: Another Potential Title For Britney Spears’ Memoir

Is there something about being with Britney Spears that signals a kiss of death for any man who attempts a romantic dalliance with her? Maybe. Just ask Kevin Federline. But one person we came very close to no longer being able to ask is John Sundahl, one of the randos Spears was dating circa her 2007 breakdown.

John Sundahl, former boyfriend of Britney Spears
John Sundahl, former boyfriend of Britney Spears

The two met at a place where all truly great romances begin: AA. In Los Angeles. Sundahl obviously must have cared a great deal for Spears after informing the National Enquirer of his concern for her well-being. Sundahl allegedly stated, “She truly wants to stop what she’s doing, and she has changed her life in another direction. She doesn’t get drunk every night and pass out.” Needless to say, Spears was done with him within a few months and onward to more pressing things, like working on finishing Circus in order to fulfill her unspoken contractual obligation to always put out the music and image people tell her to.

A flavor for older men
A flavor for older men

Sundahl moved to Afghanistan last year to fulfill a job flying foreign dignitaries out of the country’s “conflict zone.” It was while flying from Kabul that Sundahl’s plane was shot down by members of the Taliban–though it was later revealed he survived. According to various sources, Spears was “devastated” by the news that initially led her to believe he was dead. But it’s more likely she is devastated that she always has to be the girl who dates a guy with a weird thing. Cheating with porn stars, almost dying at the hands of the Taliban, etc. If the latest piece du jour doesn’t work out, lesbianism is an understandable shift for Spears to make.

Genna Rivieccio

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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