Although the archbishop of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Jose Gomez, agreed to sell the Los Feliz property to Perry, the nuns in the mix are not having it. Not only offput by what they deem to be Perry’s offensiveness with regard to respecting religion (see: her performance of “Dark Horse” at the 2014 Grammys), they already have another buyer in mind.

Even Pope Francis has weighed in on the matter of women’s religious orders in the past, stating that, too often, others intervene to further confirm the patriarchal nature of Catholicism. Furthermore, the two nuns involved in the sale have, in their minds, already relinquished the property to entrepreneur and restaurateur Dana Hollister, who allegedly has plans to turn it into a hotel. Whoever wins out in the end–Gomez or the nuns–neither party is going to end up with a very spiritual end result. Ironically enough, there was a time when Perry’s Christian music steez might have gotten her anointed into this property.