Tag: 00s pop culture
Comparing and Contrasting Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton’s Appearances at Milan Fashion Week
In what seems to be a continued accent on the power shift between Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, their respective appearances at Milan Fashion Week [Read More…]
Pancake Dropper Not Panty Dropper: Why “Tik Tok” Remains an Attack on the Normies and a Carefree Glimpse Into the Last of the 00s
It was August of 2009. Obama had freshly taken up the presidency after an eight-year Republican reign and social media apps like Instagram and, ironically, [Read More…]
Quel Choc: Another Ad Where Lindsay Lohan Clings to the Past
With such a scant filmography to behold after “life” (read: addiction) kept getting in the way, the continued standout among Lindsay Lohan’s oeuvre remains 2004’s [Read More…]
Senior Year: Never Been Kissed With A Coma Angle, Or: A Millennial Falls for the Gen Z Outlook
Speaking to us from the vantage point of having already endured “the shit” going down, there’s something very Easy A about the intro moments to [Read More…]
Abercrombie & Suburban Repression: Abercrombie & Fitch: The Rise & Fall of Abercrombie Explores a Millennial Staple That Made Everyone Look Like a Douche Even At Its Peak
As one of the many offerings of late favoring 00s-based nostalgia, Senior Year shows its main character, Stephanie Conway (Rebel Wilson), waking up from a [Read More…]
With the Official Death of BlackBerry, “BBM Baby” Reminds of a Simpler Technological Time
BlackBerry, at last, has allowed its lingering smartphones to “go dim” (not RIM). It’s a rather historical moment in technology, as it’s yet another example [Read More…]
Britney Ran So Younger Generations Could Smoke Joints Onstage
Among the seemingly infinite number of comments that stood out during Britney Spears’ June 23rd testimony regarding her conservatorship, one that rang especially true was [Read More…]
The Masses Are Blind No More to the Shining Brilliance of Paris Hilton’s “Stars Are Blind”
It started in 2020. No, not talking about rona. But rather, the “rediscovery” of “Stars Are Blind” with the release of Promising Young Woman. Although [Read More…]
Michael Lohan, Lindsay Lohan and Amy Winehouse’s “Rehab”
Just when you thought Lindsay Lohan had (again) faded entirely from the spotlight, her perhaps even more notorious father, Michael, decides to go and get [Read More…]
Megan Thee Stallion As Regina George Subverts a Common “Tradition”
The so-called subversion that occurs when a Black person takes on the persona of a white character is not something discussed very often. Mainly because [Read More…]