Tag: 90s movies
Dark City: The Matrix’s Underappreciated Precursor
For some reason, Dark City remains little revered or appreciated not only as a standalone film, but as something of the unwitting source material for [Read More…]
Home Alone 2: New York’s Nothing But Fun on Borrowed Dough… Until It Runs Out
Among the many “reassessments” of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, complete with its implausible representation of realistic geographic proximity, one that hasn’t really [Read More…]
Despite Being A Satire, Drop Dead Gorgeous Accurately Mirrored Kirstie Alley’s Politics
As is usually the case when a celebrity dies, all former political effrontery tends to be glossed over. This certainly held true for the likes [Read More…]
“Mouth” As The Soundtrack to Being Infected While Out and About
Among Bush’s often underrated oeuvre is a song from their 1996 album, Razorblade Suitcase. Although “Swallowed” was its lead single—garnering the most attention—“Mouth” would later [Read More…]
Last Action Hero Is Ultimately Just The Purple Rose of Cairo
It’s usually the norm for Woody Allen to be the one to steal concepts from other filmmakers or playwrights and rework them for himself (see: [Read More…]
Honeymoon in Vegas Was James Caan’s True Masterpiece
James Caan was among the annals of the increasingly extinct “Hollywood Actor” with a capital A. And yeah, he voted for Trump thanks to being [Read More…]
De-Gentrification: The Removal of the White Savior Element Entirely from Nia DaCosta’s Candyman
The evolution of Candyman into its current 2021 state might be surprising in some ways to those familiar with its origins. For the genesis of [Read More…]
Mondo Bullshittio #39: Begrudging Kate Mosley in Picture Perfect for Still Living Like She’s Quote Unquote in College
In a series called Mondo Bullshittio, let’s talk about some of the most glaring hypocrisies and faux pas in pop culture… and all that it [Read More…]
Parodying Gender Identity in But I’m A Cheerleader
As Pride Month begins to cum to a close, it’s important to remember that, for most of the rest of the year, the straights and [Read More…]
Angel-A: City of Angels (a.k.a. Wings of Desire) Meets It’s A Wonderful Life
While the ending of Angel-A has a certain taint to its “forced hand” nature in terms of “persuading” (with physical coercion) a girl that she [Read More…]