Tag: Barack Obama
Listening to Lana Del Rey’s “American” Now
Although it took a while for people to get on board with the idea that Lana Del Rey wasn’t “glamorizing” America in her early work [Read More…]
In Fatal Attraction Fashion, Contagion Undercuttingly Positions Infidelity/Hoedom As the Cause of Society’s Woes
The beginning of Steven Soderbergh’s now iconic film, Contagion, wastes no time in making a point about how bad girls who do bad things (and [Read More…]
Contagion’s Unemotional Approach To Presenting A Novel Virus’ Creation and Chaos
Back in January, when coronavirus was nothing more than “China’s problem” to most Americans, Contagion, as a “relevant revisit,” started to rise up the ranks [Read More…]
“OK Boomer” Becomes “You’re A-OK, Boomer”
It’s an irony in keeping with the incongruities of 2020. That after a particularly fiendish four years of the public bemoaning the fact that the [Read More…]
The Interview: Not Exactly The Right Movie to Trigger a Political Re-Awakening in the Realm of Free Speech
The Interview has had no shortage of publicity/controversy since the time the trailer was released and, subsequently, North Korea hacked into Sony’s deepest, darkest secrets [Read More…]