Tag: billie lourd
The Last Showgirl: Choosing A Life Committed to Art Is A Lonely and Defiant Road
There always comes a time in an artist’s life—whatever kind of artist they might be—when they reach “a certain age,” look around and suddenly realize [Read More…]
AHS: Delicate Succeeds Only in Trying to Ruin “Sooner or Later” by Madonna
Almost as though American Horror Story is actively trying to get worse with each new season, AHS: Delicate proves to be no exception to the [Read More…]
Unclear Why It’s Called AHS: NYC and Not AHS: AIDS
At a Pride performance called Finally Enough Love (in honor of the remix album of the same name) back in June, Madonna quipped, “One of the reasons [Read More…]
Ticket to Paradise Commingles Father of the Bride and Mamma Mia! Elements for Its Rom-Com Escapism
Despite being a rather generic title, there have only been four previous films (documented in the database, at least) with the title of Ticket to [Read More…]
“The 80s Will Live on Forever”–Unfortunately Freshest in People’s Minds in the Version Presented in the Finale of AHS: 1984
Seeing as how the ninth season of American Horror Story—1984—started out with such satirical wryness, maybe it can be no surprise that it had to [Read More…]
In AHS: 1984, The Decade of Excess is Nothing to Romanticize
Every time you think Ryan Murphy and co-writer/creator Brad Falchuk couldn’t possibly come up with another concept for American Horror Story, lo and behold, we [Read More…]
When Satire is Too Satirical for Mass Consumption: Scream Queens Cancelled
It goes without saying that if you’re going to give any Ryan Murphy show a chance, you’re going to need to come armed with a [Read More…]
Happiness Lasts Forever…When Your Ashes Are Interred in A Prozac Urn
Only Carrie Fisher would make the interring of her ashes unique. While her plans for a comical obituary inspired by a conversation with George Lucas [Read More…]
Taking A Moment to Revere Carrie Fisher for Her Non-Star Wars Legacy
Carrie Fisher. Princess Leia. You can’t say one without thinking the other. And yet, there is so much more to Fisher’s career than this role. [Read More…]