Tag: David Lynch
Reassessing Mulholland Drive in the Wake of Its Place As the Best Film of the 21st Century
The further time moves along to give viewers more space and distance from the haunting mind fuck that was and is Mulholland Drive, the more [Read More…]
David Lynch Continues to Tell Us, “I Don’t Feel That I Need to Explain My Art to You, Warren”
David Lynch, the king of conjuring interpretations and criticisms that will probably never signify any of what he originally intended (hence, some parties arguing that [Read More…]
Entertainment Might Just Be The Grimmest Movie About Life As A Comedian
If you thought it was depressing to walk through Times Square and have a faceless comic thrust a flier in your face while urgently asking, [Read More…]
Throw A Log on the Fire in Honor of The Log Lady
It’s not every day that a cult icon dies. For Catherine E. “Log Lady” Coulson, that day came on September 28th, the unfortunate cause being [Read More…]
David Lynch on Board Again For Twin Peaks, Creates Production Back Story As Surreal & Inexplicable As Show Itself
The mythology surrounding the creation of the Twin Peaks reboot in time for 2016 has been almost as drama-laden and insane as the original version [Read More…]
Twin Peaks No More: Third Season Cancelled Before It Could Even Begin
Whether you’re a skeptic or an optimist about revived TV shows, there could be no denying the excitement over the announcement that Twin Peaks would [Read More…]
Twin Peaks in 2016: Allowing for as Much False Expectation as Possible
The internet frenzy caused by the news of Twin Peaks being resuscitated after twenty-five years is only to be the beginning of the flurry of [Read More…]
She Put Her Disease In Us: The Wonderful Weirdness of Isabella Rossellini
What is it about Rossellini? No matter how weird or nonsensical she reveals herself to be, there is something about said “quirkiness” that somehow makes [Read More…]
TV Intros that Capture the Essence of the Show
A TV intro isn’t just about the theme song. It’s about the combination of images paired with the specific tempo of a piece of music. [Read More…]
If Ariel Pink Was Your Boss…
If Ariel Pink was your boss, everything would be better. The working world as you know it would cease to be a horrendous place that [Read More…]