Tag: Geraldine Viswanathan
You’re Cordially Invited Feels Like a Lindsay Lohan Netflix Movie
In addition to You’re Cordially Invited being generally cringeworthy, it’s also the kind of “comedy” to rival one of Lindsay Lohan’s recent “offerings” for Netflix. In point [Read More…]
You’re Cordially Invited (To Cringe)
By the end of You’re Cordially Invited, the discerning viewer wants so badly to believe that Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell signed onto this project with [Read More…]
The Beanie Bubble Reminds That The Ultimate Childhood Toy for Millennials Was Also the Ultimate Representation of What It Is to Be Millennial
Perhaps what strikes one the most about The Beanie Bubble isn’t pulling back the curtain behind the “Wizard of Beanie Babies,” Ty Warner, and finding [Read More…]