Tag: Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson Serves Alanis Morrisette’s “You Oughta Know” and Britney Spears’ “Stronger” on “Leave”
It wasn’t long after announcing a return to the studio that news of Jessica Simpson’s separation from her husband of ten years, Eric Johnson, came [Read More…]
Jessica Simpson’s Tell-All Is the One Britney Spears Should Be Giving Us
Perhaps only the hardened millennial girl willing to admit her age to herself will concede to acknowledging that Jessica Simpson was a pretty big fucking [Read More…]
Nick Lachey: Jessica Simpson’s Least Favorite Mistake
On TV, it would appear that Nick Lachey was the one who had to suffer through and endure the often vacuous antics of Jessica Simpson. [Read More…]
In Memoriam of Ashlee Simpson’s Career
Ten years ago this week, Ashlee Simpson destroyed all of the good faith she had built up with her reality show, The Ashlee Simpson Show, [Read More…]
If The Ashlee Simpson Show had Continued…
On the laurels of her appearances in Nick and Jessica: Newlyweds, Jessica Simpson’s younger sister, Ashlee, landed her own reality show on MTV in 2004, entitled [Read More…]
The Most Uncomfortable Music Videos Ever Made
Ever since MTV gave birth to the music video, we’ve been given our fair share of uncomfortable moments. From over the top romances displayed onscreen [Read More…]