Tag: John Landis
Trading Places: Providing A Seasonal Message That Reminds Just How Fucked Up Rich People Are
In terms of joining the category of movies classified as “could never be made today,” 1983’s Trading Places is definitely up there. Not just because of its [Read More…]
“Thriller”: Michael Jackson’s Admission of Being a Monster Hiding in Plain Sight
The simultaneously sexless and hyper-sexual persona of Michael Jackson reached a peak in December of 1983, when the video for “Thriller” was released. Directed by [Read More…]
In A More Evolved World, Christine and the Queens’ La Vita Nuova Could Act As the New “Thriller”
Each year around Halloween, in spite of Michael Jackson being a pederast, the same obligation to dredge up the “Thriller” video arises. With almost as [Read More…]
Love Won’t Save You: An American Werewolf in London
There is a common trope in every love story that begins with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle that actually is, in the end, insurmountable (though many [Read More…]