Tag: John Magaro
The Beginning of a Moral Gray Area in Media on Live Color TV: September 5
Of course, many might wonder why, of all the historical subject matters to focus on, yet again, the events of the Munich massacre on September [Read More…]
The Suppression of Vanya Hargreeves’ Power As Allegory for Men Fearing Female Strength
In one of the many cruel ironies presented throughout The Umbrella Academy, the cruelest of all is the manner in which Number Seven a.k.a. Vanya [Read More…]
The Umbrella Academy: A Hodgepodge of Dark and Watchmen
Time travel and the notion of being perpetually stuck in the Gordian knot of a temporal loop seems to have only risen in popularity in [Read More…]
Crisis in Six Scenes–Scenes From A Marriage It Is Not
“I was just thinking maybe I should dump this whole idiotic television series thing and, you know, give one last shot to writing the book.” [Read More…]