Tag: Lana Del Rey California
Lana Del Rey and the Eerie/Fiery Prophecies of Her Norman Fucking Rockwell Era
Like most of Lana Del Rey’s oeuvre, finding references to California is the name of the game. Well, not so much “finding” them as being [Read More…]
Miley Cyrus Heavily Imitates Lana Del Rey Stylings in Teaser for Endless Summer Vacation
Along with announcing that her next album will be released March 10th, the same day as Lana Del Rey’s Did You Know That There’s A [Read More…]
LDR Does Some Live Action/Animation Blending for a Mary Poppins Effect in Norman Fucking Rockwell Video Trilogy
One of the many bottom lines of Lana Del Rey’s latest video (one-upping the double video concept of “Fuck It I Love You” and “The [Read More…]
The New York/California Schizo: Miss Lana Del Rey in “Fuck It I Love You” & “The Greatest”
For a long time, it seemed as though, like all of us (or at least those with any creative sensibility), Lana Del Rey was trying [Read More…]
Lana Del Rey’s “Freak” Video Ain’t That Freaky
For someone as in touch with her inner freakdom as Lana Del Rey, it’s only natural that her latest single from Honeymoon would be “Freak.” [Read More…]
From “California Dreamin'” to “Freak”: California’s Musical History As A Haven for Weirdos
As New York-born Lana Del Rey continues to graft California and its (anti-)cultural trappings for her music, it leads one to take pause and reflect [Read More…]