Tag: madonna august 16
25 Years of Madonna Ciccone, 40 Years of Madonna
It might prove a challenge to most to imagine a time when Madonna wasn’t, well, Madonna. When she was Madonna Ciccone or Madonna Louise or [Read More…]
Madonna Arrives At That “Impossible” “When I’m Sixty-Four” Moment, Yet, As A Woman, Doesn’t Have the Same Respect or “Cachet” as Paul McCartney
One of the most noticeable themes Madonna has touted in recent years during interviews or speeches is a certain sense of “survivor’s guilt.” Not just [Read More…]
“4 Minutes” As the Personification of Madonna Turning 60
Rightfully so, there has been no shortage of “homage pieces” (different from “think” ones in that they’re often even more forced) to respect one of [Read More…]
That Time Madonna Wrote “Push” For Guy Ritchie To Tell Herself That Him Being A Dickhead Was At Least Inspirational
In 2005, Madonna had endured her greatest physical trauma yet: falling off a horse. Naturally, because she’s Madonna, she got back on it literally and [Read More…]
Madonna, The Ceaseless Hungerer
August 16th. Some know it as Elvis’ death day. Most, Madonna’s birthday. There is, however, something to be said for the fact that The King [Read More…]
Age Ain’t Nothin’ But A Number–Unless You’re Madonna: A Birthday Defense
What vexes me to no end about comments on an older woman’s aesthetic is that it always boils down to, “She looks great–for her age.” [Read More…]