Tag: Madonna filmography
The Madonna-David Lynch Connection
Because there is no denying that Madonna is in some way connected to every other famous person, whenever a celebrity dies, it’s usually pretty easy [Read More…]
On How Sean and Madonna Should Have Starred in Blind Date Instead of Shanghai Surprise
Blind Date is one of many 80s movies that serves as more of a footnote in pop culture than a “main event” (à la E.T. [Read More…]
Excuse Me, I Love You: Once Again, There Will Never Be A Candle Held to Truth or Dare
At some point during Ariana Grande’s pre-show playlist for the Sweetener World Tour (or the Sweetener/Thank U, Next World Tour, if you prefer), Madonna’s “Cherish” [Read More…]
Alan Parker and Evita
Alan Parker was a filmmaker more selective than your average. His undeniable status as an auteur has perhaps gone too long unacknowledged save for in [Read More…]