Tag: Madonna Santa Baby
It Means Nothing: The Kim Kardashian “Santa Baby” Video Is a Snapshot of America
While Kim Kardashian may continue to be generally hated (turning that hate into a multibillion dollar “underwear” empire), there’s no denying that, in the twenty-first [Read More…]
Justice for “My Only Wish (This Year)” (For Its Sexually Charged Nuances Alone)
Although Britney Spears’ still-underrated Christmas classic, “My Only Wish (This Year),” has gotten some clout of late by being played in the rather odious gay [Read More…]
“Keep It Together” As A Holiday Song
One could say that Madonna’s entire career was catapulted by the concept of a “Holiday.” After all, it was the name of her first successfully [Read More…]
Santa Baby 2.0: Miley Cyrus Puts None Too Fine A Point on How Little People Actually Listen to (& Subsequently Interpret) Lyrics
Vox Lux might have assured us that pop music is a vacuous enterprise, but that doesn’t mean that some of its powerhouses can’t have a [Read More…]
The Unwarranted Malignment of Madonna’s Version of “Santa Baby”
It’s been said that “Santa Baby” is one of those songs that never needed to be re-recorded after its original Eartha Kitt version in 1953. [Read More…]