Tag: Meredith Hagner
You’re Cordially Invited Feels Like a Lindsay Lohan Netflix Movie
In addition to You’re Cordially Invited being generally cringeworthy, it’s also the kind of “comedy” to rival one of Lindsay Lohan’s recent “offerings” for Netflix. In point [Read More…]
You’re Cordially Invited (To Cringe)
By the end of You’re Cordially Invited, the discerning viewer wants so badly to believe that Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell signed onto this project with [Read More…]
Millennial Horror Show: Search Party Season 3
At one point early on in the third season of Search Party, District Attorney Polly Danziger (Michaela Watkins) tells her assistant prosecutor, “Everything I hate [Read More…]
Tell-Tale Heart Syndrome in Search Party Season 2: What Happens When the Problems You Thought You Wanted Become Real
When the finale of Search Party‘s first season “aired” back in November of 2016, viewers were met with a denouement very unlike any they’d ever [Read More…]
Search Party Unravels the Buildup to a Disappointment That Serves As A Metaphor for Modern Letdowns
It’s that thing that can’t seem to be avoided in any new show these days–that overarching theme: millennial ennui and lack of direction/purpose. While Search [Read More…]