Tag: Napoli
Parthenope: A Love/Hate Letter to Youth, Naples
The name Parthenope has a dual meaning when referring to Paolo Sorrentino’s latest movie. On the geographical side, it alludes to the ancient Greek settlement [Read More…]
Europe and An Inherent Non-Predilection for “Sanitization”
Europe has so long been associated with words like “earthy” and “real” (otherwise known as: life outside of America), that it’s difficult to imagine it [Read More…]
The Philistines Unable to Discern Maradona From Madonna
Granted, no one has been conditioned to expect much from Americans since, oh, around the time Nixon took office, let alone be aware of other [Read More…]
Diego Maradona: Napoli’s Twentieth Century Folk Hero & The Shakespearean Tragedy of His Game Against the Very City He Helped Reinvigorate
“My only pleasure this afternoon was in discovering the Italians in Milan have stopped being racists: today, for the first time, they supported the Africans.” [Read More…]