Tag: neil tennant
“Last Christmas” Is Eternally This Christmas: Wham!: Last Christmas Unwrapped
If you thought the cultural reassessment of Wham! was over after the release of Chris Smith’s 2023 documentary, you thought wrong. Because now, there’s a documentary [Read More…]
Pet Shop Boys’ Latest Single Dives Into the Pandemic of Our Age: “Loneliness”
It’s been four years since the Pet Shop Boys released 2020’s presciently-titled Hotspot (which later felt like a nod to the “hot zones” caused by [Read More…]
Pet Shop Boys Still Know Where the Hotspot(s) Are
Like their fellow 80s contemporary and occasional collaborator Madonna, the Pet Shop Boys have seen fit to bring us their fourteenth studio album, Hotspot, in [Read More…]
The Woeful Lament of Everything Both Specifically and Generally Coming to an End on Pet Shop Boys’ “Burning the Heather”
“End” seems to be the word that most accurately sums up the motif of Pet Shop Boys’ forthcoming fourteenth studio album. For it’s even the [Read More…]
Almost More Pointed Than thank u, next Album: Pet Shop Boys’ Agenda EP
If you thought that Pet Shop Boys were the type of blokes who could be silenced with old age, you would seem to be forgetting [Read More…]
Pet Shop Boys’ “Leaving” Speaks to A Perpetual Haunting by L’Amour Mort
The Pet Shop Boys release albums at a rate almost as impressive as Rihanna, and yet, for some reason, only their niche audience seems to [Read More…]
In Appreciation of Pet Shop Boys’ Christmas EP
There are standard Christmas albums (you know, the kind Michael Bublé sustains his career on) and then there is the Pet Shop Boys’ 2009 EP, [Read More…]
The Unexpected Visual Narrative Of Pet Shop Boys’ “Twenty-something”
Gavin Filipiak’s noir-ish direction of Pet Shop Boys’ latest single from Super, “Twenty-something,” is not the only surprising element about the visual accompaniment to a [Read More…]
Pet Shop Boys Keep Confirming It’s Okay to Dance With “The Pop Kids”
Perhaps England’s most underrated act (they certainly have never gotten the same love as David Bowie), Pet Shop Boys keep coming back again and again [Read More…]
“It’s A Sin”: A Song About Shame That More People Should Take to Heart
It’s been nearly thirty years since the Pet Shop Boys’ Catholic guilt-laden single, “It’s A Sin,” from their second album, Actually, graced the top ten [Read More…]