Tag: Nicholas Stoller
You’re Cordially Invited Feels Like a Lindsay Lohan Netflix Movie
In addition to You’re Cordially Invited being generally cringeworthy, it’s also the kind of “comedy” to rival one of Lindsay Lohan’s recent “offerings” for Netflix. In point [Read More…]
You’re Cordially Invited (To Cringe)
By the end of You’re Cordially Invited, the discerning viewer wants so badly to believe that Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell signed onto this project with [Read More…]
Platonic Still Ends Up Perpetuating the Trope That Men and Women Can’t Be Friends…At Least Not Without Some Eyebrow-Raising and An Unspoken Expiration Date
In the tradition of movies and shows that address the complicated subject of straight male-straight female friendships, Platonic adds to the canon in a more [Read More…]