Tag: Will Ferrell
You’re Cordially Invited Feels Like a Lindsay Lohan Netflix Movie
In addition to You’re Cordially Invited being generally cringeworthy, it’s also the kind of “comedy” to rival one of Lindsay Lohan’s recent “offerings” for Netflix. In point [Read More…]
You’re Cordially Invited (To Cringe)
By the end of You’re Cordially Invited, the discerning viewer wants so badly to believe that Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell signed onto this project with [Read More…]
David Guetta, Anne-Marie and Coi Leray’s “Baby Don’t Hurt Me” Pays More Homage to A Night at the Roxbury Than Haddaway
As the latest in an increasingly long line (no nightclub pun intended) of songs that have seen fit to extract 90s dance hits for a [Read More…]
The Rich Eat: The Menu
At the crux of every basic class divide is food. It is the most essential unit of life, and yet, it took little time at [Read More…]
You Do It to Yourself, You Do. And That’s What Really Hurts: Why The Shrink Next Door Is So Hard to Watch
Marty Markowitz (Will Ferrell) is not the type of person we’re supposed to feel bad for. Throughout the duration of The Shrink Next Door, an [Read More…]
“A Couple of Pathetic Stellas Trying to Get Their Groove Back”: Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar
“Sometimes you gotta step outta your box a little. Then you’ll know what life is really about.” This is the narration that comes at the [Read More…]
Camp Honors Camp in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
Of course it’s a movie that will be easy for critics and casual viewers alike to attack. Picking apart a cockamamie plotline and a comedy [Read More…]
The Only Cliche IBIZA Doesn’t Employ Is the One It Should: Playing “I Took A Pill in Ibiza”
Like Las Vegas or Amsterdam, Ibiza is the sort of place that evokes nothing but expressions of either extreme reverie or regret. Except, unlike the [Read More…]
Audiences Are Spoiled Enough to Deserve Another Spoils of Babylon-esque Series, The Spoils Before Dying
Just when you thought audiences were too dense/far-removed from the 1980s to appreciate the hilarious kitsch factor of The Spoils of Babylon, IFC proves its [Read More…]
The Quiet Brilliance of The Spoils of Babylon
Matt Piedmont is no stranger to absurdist humor. As one of the youngest head writers to have worked on Saturday Night Live, Piedmont is also no [Read More…]